Dip Print System Refresh

"Dip Print System Refresh” is an exclusive and patented Sultan product.


It's a new method for the maintenance of surfaces treated with a water transfer printing decorative system, designed by the research and development area of Sultan.

The corroded metal surface, after being exposed to a light mechanical type treatment, is coated with two layers of a liquid mixture using a brush, whose main element is an acrylic matt transparent two-component "20 Gloss" product.

The result is a regenerated surface with a greater resistance to wear over time. The same product can be used for the maintenance of worn surfaces from scratches and impacts.

surface treated with Dip Print
surface treated with Dip Print

Sultan performs an inspection on board the ship to evaluate the intervention, supplies materials and applicators, trains the crew for future applications and in the end provides technical assistance.

Surfaces treated with Dip Print System Refresh:

Aging tests

The aging tests on the "Dip Print System Refresh" treatment have demonstrated the excellent stability of the product both visually and mechanically.