Training courses for teenagers:
Sultan with voluntary internal staff and in collaboration with the Cervignano Baseball team has implemented a training program for teenagers.
The training which started in 2009, takes place every year during the month of August at the summer camp Cave del Predil concurrently with the Tigers camp.
The topics covered during the training hours are: home safety, safety in the street, risks related to the use of alcohol and drugs.
The courses are absolutely free and carried out by professionally trained staff.
Courses per year:
training on the risks present at home, in the street, risks due to load weight on the boys' backpacks, how to use the helmet on a motorbike, care of the environment sensitization.
tutor: Angelo Ceccotti
training on the risks related to the use of alcoholic substances, interactive workshops with the children.
tutor: Dr. Michela Cecotti
training on the risks related to the use of drugs.
tutor: Dr. Michela Cecotti
prevention of bullying.
tutor: Dr. Michela Cecotti